City Council eyes priority list for Peachtree City projects

Jon Rorie, city manager of Peachtree City. File photo.
Jon Rorie, city manager of Peachtree City. File photo.

Call it a honey do list for city government. At the urging of City Manager Jon Rorie, the Peachtree City Council earlier this month agreed on an official top 10 list of projects out of a group of 30 as budget priorities for the next fiscal year.

The council and staff will get into more detail at a retreat session May 12, Rorie said.

The top 10 projects are as follows:

1. City sewer extension into the industrial park along Huddleston Road, as well as a parallel cart path network.

2. Get rid of the city-owned recycling yard adjacent to Ga. Highway 74 on the city’s south side with a timeline of a year and a half.

3. Keep working on improving communications to the citizens with things like “Hot Topics,” FAQs and “City Manager’s Corner.”

4. The 54/74 intersection — Form a city transportation group to establish communication with Coweta County and the Atlanta Regional Commission, and begin conversation about a bypass to relieve traffic at the busy intersection.

5. The pool bubble at the Kedron Activity Center and consider its elimination, a replacement for the temporary structure, or make it into a permanent structure.

6. Start a quarterly dialogue with the Fayette COunty Commission, the Board of Education, and municipalities with a goal of re-establishing the Fayette County Intergovernmental Committee.

7. Review the cart path master plan with an eye toward better route efficiency, closing gaps, connectivity, safety and formation of a volunteer path ambassadors program.

8. Improvements at the intersection of Ga. Highway 54 and Huddleston Road, probably including two turning lanes and grade/slope improvements.

9. Create a public forum for questions from residents.

10. In the land use and planning sector, modernize its processes and update city ordinances.

Rorie said the top 10 list was not in order of importance. Rather it was “a way to focus council’s attention on issues and their implications.”

<b>Slide prepared for the Peachtree City Council meeting of Feb. 6.</b>
Slide prepared for the Peachtree City Council meeting of Feb. 6.