Fayette School System in process of adopting new health textbooks


Use website to stay informed about health and physical education textbook adoption — 

Fayette County Public Schools is in the process of selecting new curriculum resources for grades K-12 health and physical education. The selection of resources is being conducted in accordance with Georgia Board of Education rules.

To make the process as transparent as possible, a website specifically for the new textbook adoption has been set up at http://bit.ly/FayetteHPEAdoption. On the site, the public can view meeting dates of the committee, meeting agendas and minutes, a list of textbooks to be reviewed by the committee, and an adoption timeline.

Community members who wanted to serve on the health and/or physical education committee were invited to do so in October by completing an adoption committee survey, which was promoted on the school system’s website, through social media channels, and the local media.

The school system followed Georgia Department of Education guidelines in establishing the composition of the committee. According to state rule 160-4-2-.12 COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION PROGRAM PLAN, “the committee shall be composed primarily of nonteaching parents who have children enrolled in the local public schools and who represent the diversity of the student body augmented by others such as educators, health professionals and other community representatives. The committee shall also include a male and female student currently attending the 11th or 12th grade in the public schools.”

There are 13 members on the health committee: three from faith-based organizations; one healthcare professional; one mental health professional; three parents (a healthcare professional, college mentor, and business owner); three educators with students in the school system; and two educators without students in the school system. Additionally, there are nine members on the physical education committee, and three members are serving on both committees due to their preference and expertise. Students will be added to committee as work on the textbook selection advances.

The committee held its first meeting in November at which members learned about their roles and responsibilities, and reviewed textbook vendor survey questions and a six-question scoring rubric that will be used to rate the vendors’ answers. Committee members received the sample textbooks and vendor survey answers in December to begin scoring them based on the rubric.

The committee will meet in January to listen to feedback from teacher committee members and to select the top textbook vendors based on the rubric scores. They will meet twice in February to hear presentations from the top textbook vendors and get feedback from teachers prior to selecting the recommended textbooks.

Recommended textbooks will be presented to the public in March for review, and adoption by the Fayette County Board of Education will take place in April or May. — Article provided by the Fayette County School System