Fayetteville unveils its first-ever Frost Moon Festival


Main Street Fayetteville’s first-ever Frost Moon Festival will be held Friday, Nov. 15, from 5-9 p.m. on the historic courthouse lawn. The event is co-hosted by Fayetteville First United Methodist Church.

This late addition to the 2019 calendar is a make-up event for The Great Pumpkin Festival, which was cancelled due to inclement weather. Frost Moon Festival will include many of the same vendors and activities and musical guest Phil & the Blanks will still provide live entertainment on the stage. Additional entertainment will be provided by dance and Tae Kwon Do groups, said Fayetteville Public Relations Specialist Danny Harrison.

“We were disappointed to cancel The Great Pumpkin Festival, which was shaping up to be a fantastic event,” said Main Street Program Manager Joyce Waits. “We all agreed it made sense to reschedule, but we needed to re-theme the event since it would take place after Halloween.”

Waits said it has yet to be determined if Frost Moon Festival becomes an annual event.

This first, if only, Frost Moon Festival will feature numerous artisans selling homemade and handcrafted creations, giving guests a great opportunity to get a bit of Christmas shopping started early. Several informational vendors have also been invited to join in the fun, said Harrison.

There will be plenty for younger guests to enjoy as well, including free inflatables, rock painting, face painting, hayrides, train rides and games. Available for a nominal charge will be balloon sculpting, sand art and spin art.

Rick’s Ribs will be serving up delicious eats to go along with more festival food such as kettle corn, fried Oreos, funnel cakes and nachos.

Accentuating the fall festival theme, guests will find hay bale seating dotting the landscape, and fire pits offering warm places for friends to gather, said Harrison.

“We are grateful to our supporters, vendors and guests for being flexible to this new date for what we hope will be another great event,” Waits said. “And, of course, we’re hoping for nice, clear weather on that Friday night.”

Waits said there is a need for a few more volunteers to help work shifts at Frost Moon Festival. Those interested may call Julie Herbert at 770-719-4174.