Safe Sitter Course slated November 9


Piedmont Fayette Hospital is now a registered Safe Sitter teaching site, offering a comprehensive babysitting training program for young teens (ages 11 and up). Nationally, over 600,000 graduates have completed the course and are able to stay home alone safely and handle emergencies when caring for younger children.

The next Safe Sitter course will be offered on Saturday, November 9 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The fee is $50 and includes the official Safe Sitter Babysitter’s Handbook and Safe Sitter bag, lunch, water, and snacks all day. Participants in the class will meet other kids, learn choking rescue and CPR techniques and earn a completion card that shows you learned what to do and how to do it.

The course, led by Maria LePage, an RN in the hospital’s emergency room, will be held in Conference Room C of the 1279 building on the Piedmont Fayette campus. Email Maria at [email protected] by Saturday, November 1 to register.  Call 404.432.7890 for additional information.