Fayetteville Planning Commission denies rezoning for garden center


A request to rezone 1.36 acres along Ga. Highway 314 for use as a garden center was unanimously denied July 23 by the Fayetteville Planning and Zoning Commission.

The request dealt with 1.36 acres currently zoned for medium-density residential. Applicant Alvaro Garibello wanted to have the property rezoned to C-2 (community comercial) to establish a garden center business on the property that fronts Hwy. 314 and Old White Road, and is situated south of the Grove Park subdivision. Access to the property would be only from Old White Road.

City planning staff said they could not support the proposal because the proposed use was not consistent with the comprehensive plan or the future land use plan.

Commissioners agreed, with Chairman Sarah Murphy echoing staff recommendation of denial and with Commissioner Joe Clark saying the project did not seem to fit the area.

The applicant can appeal the decision to the City Council.