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Occam’s razor seems like the best road to go down on this one.
If having more experienced teachers who get paid more because they have been here longer teaching our kids – I’m ok with that. I read elsewhere that hundreds of teacher positions are vacant in other Atlanta counties and I’m glad to note we are fully staffed. Perhaps because of loyalty. Perhaps because of experience. Perhaps because of comfort with a better class of kids and a decent attitude from management.
I’m ok with all that and I’ll gladly pay a few dollars more in taxes to have that advantage.
Let’s keep that advantage by supporting our teachers. We don’t want to become a second class school system begging for sub-par teachers.
Could the editor please do a little more research on this piece as he completely misses the two of the three primary variables on teacher compensation. He indirectly addresses one of the three, the amount of the county stipend. He completely ignores the other two variables: tenure of teachers and education of teachers. Teachers are paid more the longer they teach and they are paid more the more advanced their degree. Direct comparison of salaries without understanding these variables make any conclusion worthless with the data he provides. Please do the rest of the research – if Fayette teachers have been teaching longer than Coweta teachers and/or have more specialist degrees / doctorates, of course they are paid more. Maybe Coweta doesn’t hire advanced degree staff in order to keep their salaries down? Need more complete reporting please. 2nd school related article in a row that had incomplete research….starting to sense a trend.
I hear Coweta has housing available…you should look into it.
[…] I asked for your opinions about my last week’s opinion column that asserted the Fayette County School System budget, as it stands, seems bloated and without adequate explanation from the Board of Education and top school officials. (See report about school system salaries here.) […]