More growth goes west of Peachtree City


Plan in place for 150,000 sq. ft. center at Fischer Crossroads; 4 restaurants, medical offices, retail and a gas station proposed for 29 acres fronting Fischer, lower Fayetteville roads and Hwy. 34 — 

There is plenty of commercial construction along Ga. highways 34 and 54 just to the west of Peachtree City at the Fischer Crossings commercial site. What could be coming diagonally across Fischer Road and Hwy. 34 on the southwest corner would add another 150,000 sq. ft. of office and retail space to the emerging major retail area in east Coweta.

The Coweta County Commission on July 2 set a public hearing for Aug. 6 to hear proposed amendments to conditions previously approved for the 29-acre development. Longtime residents of Fayette County will know the location as the former home of Rare Plants.

Matt Boone, representing Atlanta-based ForCAST Real Estate Development, along with Fayette-based developer Bob Rolader and Brent Coweta LLC are proposing a number of amendments relating to site development.

If approved by commissioners, the potential conceptual plan for the 150,000 sq. ft. development includes nine buildings with a proposed 1,049 parking spaces.

Along with a 48,000 sq. ft. medical office building, other outparcels would include four restaurants, retail businesses and a gas station.

One of the improvements to the site, one that was noted a few years ago when the entire Fischer Crossings development went through and was approved as a Development of Regional Impact, deals with the realignment of Lower Fayetteville Road.

County plans call for Lower Fayetteville Road, which parallels Hwy. 34 to the south, to be realigned so that is forms an arc when intersecting with Fischer Road, rather than remaining in its current configuration where it intersects at a 90-degree angle.


    • Because they don’t want you to know, RonsFL.They have had no luck with serious national retailers so they are going local.

      Best Buy turned them down, Carrabbas have been negotiating with them and so has the Green Ginger owner. They are pressuring Pascal, but he’s not moving. They are going after Fresh Market next, but that’s not likely.
      Sprouts is tied into a lease for 8 more years and the World of Beverage told them to buzz off.

      They need something that resembles an anchor tenant to get folks over there. Hard to do, but they keep trying. Its not Peachtree City but they think because they are close to us that they are us. But they are not.