Pick blueberries at Real Life Orchard


The blueberries in the Harvest for Real Life Orchard are beautifully ripening in preparation for our U-Pick 4 Others season in June and July. 

Starting on Wednesday, June 12, the public is invited to enjoy the beautiful mornings during U-Pick 4 Others while picking blueberries for families served by the Real Life Center.  In return, you will receive 1/4 of what you pick as a thank you for your service.

This is a great way to connect with your family and friends in a peaceful setting while helping other families receive fresh fruit they could not afford to purchase.  Participating in U-Pick is a wonderful way to get together with your neighbors, small group, co-workers, etc. to make a difference as a group. Also, bringing your children to U-Pick 4 Others is an excellent way to teach them about helping others as children of all ages can participate. 

The blackberries will not be a part of the U-Pick program this year. 

U-Pick 4 Others is open Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday mornings from 9-11 weather permitting. Please see the Harvest for Real Life Orchard Facebook page for closings due to weather. 

Also, please bring water to drink. We apologize but we do not have public restrooms available. 

The orchard is located at 975 Highway 74 North, Tyrone directly across from the new Real Life Center facility.