Stricter parking rules for rural homes on Fayette agenda

Commissioner Charles Rousseau at a meeting this year. Staff photo.
Commissioner Charles Rousseau at a meeting this year. Staff photo.

Fayette would hire more marshals to enforce new parking restrictions

A mixed-use annexation proposal along Ga. Highway 54 on Peachtree City’s east side and proposed ordinance to regulate vehicle parking on smaller residential lots in the unincorporated areas will be among the items at the Oct. 25 meeting of the Fayette County Commission.

Commissioners will consider a proposed ordinance dealing with parking vehicles on smaller residential lots in the unincorporated areas.

The idea for the ordinance came from Commissioner Charles Rousseau in a discussion during the summer.

“Commissioner Rousseau stated that the core purpose for this was to assist the communities who did not have advocates in the form of an HOA to maintain high community standards,” according the commission’s July 26 meeting minutes.

If approved as written, the ordinance would not apply to large tract (agricultural residential) properties.

As written, the ordinance would require that any motor vehicle, recreational vehicle or trailer must be parked on a prepared surface when parked in the front yard of a single-frontage lot, when parked on the primary front and secondary front yard of a corner lot. The ordinance would not apply to those making deliveries to the residence.

A prepared surface would include parking areas of asphalt, concrete, pavers or gravel.

From the code enforcement perspective, adopting the ordinance is expected to require a cost of more than $96,000 to add a county marshal, including salary and benefits and a vehicle and equipment. The addition of four marshals would raise the cost to $386,000.

Another item on the agenda is the request by Bradshaw Family LLP for 28.3 acres along Hwy. 54 and Sumner Road to be annexed into Peachtree City. Bradshaw is proposing a mixed-use development that would include 27 single-family homes averaging $450,000, along with 30,000 sq. ft. of retail, 30,000 sq. ft. of office space and 37 percent greenspace.

The request on Oct. 8 was recommended for approval by the Peachtree City Planning Commission.

If commissioners object to the request, it will go to the arbitration process. Such is currently the case with the large, established retail and office area directly across Hwy. 54 which is requesting annexation.

County staff are recommending that commissioners not object to the annexation request.

In other items, the request by Bradshaw Family LLP for 28.3 acres along Hwy. 54 and Sumner Road to be annexed into Peachtree City is proposing a mixed-use development that would include 27 single-family homes averaging $450,000, along with 30,000 sq. ft. of retail, 30,000 sq. ft. of office space and 37 percent greenspace.

The request on Oct. 8 was recommended for approval by the Peachtree City Planning Commission.

If commissioners object to the request, it will go to the arbitration process. Such is currently the case with the large, established retail and office area directly across Hwy. 54 which is requesting annexation.

County staff are recommending that commissioners not object to the annexation request.

Also at the meeting, commissioners will consider the old fire station in Tyrone to the Town of Tyrone for $5,000.

The county now operates a larger fire station at Ga. Highway 74 and Jenkins Road.

The old fire station on Senoia Road is located near Shamrock Park and experienced significant septic system issues for a number of years.


  1. Just like a Democrat. More government and taxpayer money to try to regulate peoples lives. This is idiotic. This is what you get when you start electing Democrats to run city, County, State or National governments

  2. So I have a birthday party or family get together and I have 10-15 cars parked on my rural two acres and this will no longer be allowed? I quest you recommended I hard surface my lot. This will increase the impervious surface and the storm water bill. Is that what will pay for the additional services required to enforce this?

  3. Commissioner Rousseau needs to keep his nose out of the rural areas. If I want to have a car on blocks in my front yard, it is my right, that is why I live in a rural area and not an HOA. If you are too snotty to live next to a house with a bunch of cars then move to PTC or an HOA. The parcel description they gave pretty much covers a large number of 5 acre and below lots in the county.