PTC tables proposed commercial for Hwy. 74 North



Members of the Peachtree City Planning Commission at the Aug. 13 meeting included, from left, commissioners J.T. Rabun, Jack Bernard and Paul Gresham and alternate Commissioner Michael Link. Photo/Ben Nelms.

The conceptual site plan for two commercial buildings proposed to be located on Ga. Highway 74 North in Peachtree City fronting the Hilton Garden Inn was tabled Aug. 13 by the Peachtree City Planning Commission to give the applicant time to return with a conceptual landscape plan.

The issue went through two motions, both unsuccessful due to no second, before the third motion to table was succeeded on a 3-0 vote. Commissioners J.T. Rabun, Paul Gresham and Jack Bernard voted to table. Alternate Commissioner Michael Link was present, though alternates do not vote. Chairman Frank Destadio and Commissioner Lisa Curtis were absent.

The primary issue that led to be item being tabled dealt with concerns over the proposed 40-foot landscape buffer fronting Hwy. 74 and if sufficient trees would be included in the landscape plan. Under the current proposal which requests a 40-foot buffer, project representatives said some of the volunteer pines currently located in the buffer would have to be removed.

Adding to the issue was the Georgia Power easement in the buffer that could preclude the presence of some trees.

The successful motion had the agenda item tabled, with the applicant returning later with the conceptual landscape plan that will meet buffer requirements.