Commission OKs design study for roundabout at Redwine and Bernhard roads



Fayette County Public Works Director Phil Mallon. Photo/The Citizen

The intersection of Redwine Road, Peachtree Parkway and Bernhard Road received approval on Aug. 9 for the design phase for a future roundabout.

The approval came on 4-0 vote by the Fayette County Commission. Commissioner Steve Brown was absent.

To be funded by the voter-approved 2017 SPLOST (special purpose local option sales tax), the design cost totals $91,300.

“Intersection improvement alternatives for this intersection were presented to, and reviewed by, the county Transportation Committee on July 10. The committee supports design and construction of a roundabout, but requested expanded paths around the intersection, which are now shown on the concept,” said Public Works Director Phil Mallon.