Staff recommends delaying ‘mini-city’ vote by Fayetteville Council

Architect’s drawing of proposed multi-use development. Graphic/City of Fayetteville.
Architect’s drawing of proposed multi-use development. Graphic/City of Fayetteville.

The agenda item may get tabled for another session, but the Fayetteville City Council could possibly vote Thursday night (June 7) on another chapter in the city’s rapidly-expanding “West Side Story.”

The mixed-use development bordering Lake Bennett on Ga. Highway 54 and South Sandy Creek Road includes 265 detached homes, 100,000 sq. ft. of retail, 50,000 sq. ft. of office space, 20,000 sq. ft. of restaurant space and 20 attached residential units above retail. Total cost of the miniature city is projected at more than $94 million.

The city’s planning staff agreed with the Planning Commission and said it should be approved with numerous conditions that could result in the issue being tabled Thursday night.

Transportation issues to be addressed include items such as a full-access driveway on South Sandy Creek Road, right in/right out driveways on Hwy. 54, pedestrian and bicycle access, improvements to the intersection at Hwy. 54 and South Sandy Creek Road, the addition of a southbound left turn lane on South Sandy Creek Road and the installation of a multi-use path along Hwy. 54 frontage.

But in the packet, the staff said it is currently working together with the developer to draft the development agreement. The draft proposed by the developer, with no changes from staff, is included in Thursday’s packet.

“At this time, staff recommends tabling the rezoning request until all of City Council’s conditions of approval can be incorporated into the development agreement document,” staff wrote.

The meeting starts at 6 p.m. at City Hall.