Peachtree City Post Office is scrutinized, promises to do better


Mayor Vanessa Fleisch at the Sept. 7 meeting of the Peachtree City Council gave an update on ongoing problems with the Peachtree City Post Office. Some of those issues appear to be resolved.

“The ongoing complaints that our offices have received have primarily been about undelivered packages, missed and late mail delivery and the condition of the post office facility. I think we have some good news to report,” Fleisch said.

Fleisch said she and Councilman Mike King met earlier in the day with representatives of Congressman Drew Ferguson and Sen. Johnny Isakson, Post Office Branch Manager Dana Jones, Postmaster Leta George and Manager of Post Office Operations for all of the 302 ZIP code offices, Michael Brown.

George at the end of the meeting agreed to several commitments to address in the next two weeks. Those included:

• If you have mail, it will be delivered daily.

• When the Post Office is notified of problems with package delivery, they will address them.

• Housekeeping at the Peachtree City facility will improve, with regular attention to the building and grounds and regular grass mowing.

• Pertaining to the American flag, “they committed to keeping our post office flag in good repair and either getting lighting for the flag or taking it down each night in accordance with U.S. Flag Code.”

“Long-term, they will continue to work on improving the package delivery and on meeting their 6 p.m. deadline for all mail deliveries, but we understand that daily staffing issues can affect that occasionally,” Fleisch said. “While we acknowledge this is just a first step, please know we will continue to follow up on this. As we know, this is not a new issue, but has gone on for years.”

Fleisch said it was learned at the meeting that Peachtree City’s carrier routes were changed in May, and that it takes a few months for those changes to settle into a regular routine. The post office also made some follow-up adjustments this month that should help deliveries to run more smoothly, Fleisch said.

“They also reported that, at this time, Peachtree City’s post office is fully staffed in both mail carriers and counter clerks,” said Fleisch. “This should also help them improve the service levels here.”