FFUMC members provide hygiene kits for flood victims


The Rev. Michael Phillips (L) and Randy Riddell prepare collection boxes for the UMCOR hygiene kit donations for Hurricane Harvey victims. Photo/Special.


Fayetteville First United Methodist Church is working with The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) to respond to a need for hygiene kits in the wake of the Hurricane Harvey disaster in Texas and Louisiana.  The kits meet a personal and immediate need for those who have been devastated by this event.

Kit contents include a hand towel, washcloth, comb, metal nail file or clippers, soap, bandages and $1 for toothpaste.

Complete instructions and assembly directions are online at fayettevillefirst.com.

All donations to UMCOR go 100 percent to those in need. Administrative costs are met through special offerings through the United Methodist Church so that relief donations are completely directed to the needy. The hygiene kits also offer a hands-on way to reach out.

The Rev. Michael Phillips, FFUMC’s associate minister, says, “We want to meet this immediate need now. We will send one shipment of kits Sept. 10 and another on Sept. 17. UMCOR is quick to respond to tragedies, and our partnership with this group gives us confidence that immediate help is offered to these victims of the storm.”

Any individuals or groups desiring to contribute to this effort may donate online through fayettevillefirst.com with donations specified for UMCOR.

Hygiene kit donations may be taken to the FFUMC office at 175 East Lanier Ave. or left in collection boxes in the gym or Welcome Center at the church.