Fayette Commission set to adopt $49.2 million budget

Fayette County Commission Meeting Room

The second public hearing and adoption of the Fiscal Year 2018 budget will come at the June 22 meeting of the Fayette County Commission.

The proposed FY 2018 budget includes general fund expenditures of $49.2 million. That compares to the current $48.1 million budget. General fund revenues are expected to total $50,632,663.

The budget comes with no cost-of-living increase and no one-time payments. Commissioners will consider a merit-based increase based on 2.75 percent of the total county payroll.

The first public hearing on the FY 2018 budget was held June 6. The hearing came with no public comments.

In terms of the upcoming millage rate, commissioners will set the rate in August once the tax digest has been finalized.

The revenue breakdown shows property taxes accounting for 59.7 percent of revenues, sales taxes generating 23.9 percent, charges for services at 6.3 percent and fines and forfeitures at 3.2 percent.

Staff said personnel costs account for 65 percent of expenditures, while 17.8 percent of expenditures are for purchases and contracts, 8.6 percent for supplies and 6.6 goes for debt service.

Of personnel costs, 76 percent goes to salaries with the remainder slated for benefits.

Commissioners will consider the additional of 11 new full-time equivalents.

Those include a special events and marketing coordinator in Parks and Recreation, a plans examiner for Building Safety, an equipment operator (mowing) and a roads maintenance worker (mowing crew) for Roads, a personal and real property appraiser for the Tax Assessor, an environmental engineer for Environmental Management, a finance analyst for Finance and a utility services technician and two distribution maintenance workers for the Water System.