Graduating seniors will be honored Sunday at COS


Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church will celebrate graduating seniors at the 11 a.m. worship service on Sunday, May 21.

Special music at that service will feature senior instrumentalists: Kassidy Goodwin and Sarah Wampler, flutes; Claire Avery and Elizabeth Wampler, clarinets; and Alex Dohany, trumpet and flugelhorn. The selections range from American folk hymn tunes to a Poulenc Clarinet Sonata to “At a Dixieland Jazz Funeral” to a Bach chorale.

Karl Dietmeyer will conduct the church’s Brass, Flute, and Clarinet Choirs.

Other seniors to be honored are Vincent Barolomei, Clara Comiskey, Connor Coupanger, Joey DeNell, Will Evans, Jordan Hall, Kayla Keenan, Darren Mendes, Doug Morris, Lou Pfundt, Sam Reissing, Delayne Rotolo, Nick Thompson, Rebecca Waryold, Kathryn Washington, Nick Washington, and Michael Young.

All are invited, especially friends of the seniors.