Burn ban in Newnan


In accordance with City Code Section 11-47, the city of Newnan has issued a ban on outdoor burning, effective Nov. 17, in response to the high fire hazard conditions that create extreme fire danger and poor air quality.

The ban has been issued by the city’s fire marshal, whom is given authority to issue such a ban when local conditions make outdoor fires hazardous to public health and safety, according to a spokesperson.

Here are some tips to help prepare homes and property:

·        Clear all dead and or dying vegetation 100 feet from around all structures.

·        Landscape with fire resistant/drought tolerant plants.

·        Find alternative ways to dispose of landscape debris like chipping or hauling it to a biomass energy facility.

Anyone burning inside the city limits may be subject to a citation, fine up to $1,000, and the cost of the fire agency response to extinguish the fire. City fire officials will work on lifting the burn suspension when conditions are safe to do so.

For more information, visit www.cityofnewnan.org or call 770-253-1851.