Simple Trump test: Release tax returns


As Nov. 8 approaches the American people are facing one of the most significant presidential elections, by all accounts, in this nation’s history. On the Democratic ticket we have the first female candidate, Hillary Clinton, facing off against a Republican, Donald Trump, who has never held an elected government position at any level.

There is absolutely nothing unconstitutionally invalid about the basic qualifications of these two contestants as they both are above the age of 35 and native born — fine.

What is totally unique is that while Hillary Clinton is running on a platform , which one may view as positive or negative, highlighting her involvement in government for over 30 years, Mr. Trump emphasizes her background as being symbolic as to just what is wrong with this country.

He points out repeatedly that his total lack of being stained by occupying any government office is the prime reason, based on his tremendously successful private sector business accomplishments , to elevate him to the most powerful elected position, not only in the United States, but the entire world.

If the arguments of Mr. Trump are successful and lead to his becoming the 45th President of the United States, he would join Herbert Hoover and General Dwight D. Eisenhower as the only individuals to assume the presidency without, as noted above, holding elected office at any level.

Although the presidency of Herbert Hoover was not exactly a success (check the Great Depression), he was praised, prior to his election, for his humanitarian efforts following the termination of World War I and his later performance as the Secretary of Commerce. The accomplishments of General Eisenhower during World War II place him among the most distinguished individuals associated with the defeat of Nazi Germany.

To get to the heart of my argument I contend that, when compared to the government related service of Presidents Hoover and Eisenhower, the background of Mr. Trump, when looking at his qualifications, rests on one single argument: that he, never having held a government position at any level, elected or appointed, is qualified to serve as the next President and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces of the United States due to his ability to accumulate personal wealth and successfully manage large businesses.

For the sake of discussion let’s look at the basis for Mr. Trump becoming our next president — his business successes. They may be of legendary levels, as he has stated repeatedly, but, just how does the American public know? Put aside all of the claims of Mr. Trump (John McCain not a war hero; he knows more than the generals when it comes to defeating ISIS; he saw thousands of Muslims celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers on 9/11; etc.,) and closely examine the one consistent claim of Mr. Trump : that his business accomplishments validate his ability to “Make America Great Again” (questions: is our country not “great “ today and, if not, when did it cease “ being great’?).

Mr. Trump may be among the most successful, honest, innovative, and creative businessmen, not only in the USA, but, in the entire world and, conceivably, the most qualified individual to, using his campaign mantra, “Make America Great Again.”.

But, and this is a big but, how can the American voters know that he is truly as successful, business-wise, as he repeatedly claims, if he will not, as every presidential candidate has done for the past 40 years, release his present and past federal tax returns?

Contrary to his argument, tax returns, per the IRS, may be made public while being audited. Only with the public release of his federal tax returns will the voters of the U.S.A. be able to determine if he is, in fact, as wealthy as he proclaims or is he, as previously described by Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) during the Republican presidential primary campaign a “con artist” or, also during the presidential, Senator Ted Cruz (R- TX) bellowing that Donald Trump is a “pathological liar” and “a narcissist at a level I don’t think this country has ever seen.”

Donald Trump may be revered by many voters as a unique and phenomenal savior who can truly “Make America Great Again” or, to others, as a charlatan along the lines noted above by Senators Rubio and Cruz. By providing a public viewing of his federal tax returns prior to the Nov. 8 election, Mr. Trump could clearly demonstrate that, not only is he without a doubt a truly gifted and fantastically successful businessman, but a man worthy of the trust and confidence of the American people.

Is this request too much to ask before any individual assumes the office of the most powerful elected position on earth, that of President of the United States of America?

Wade J. Williams
Peachtree City, Ga.