Coweta County denies request for doggy daycare


An Oct. 4 conditional use permit request to establish a boarding and daycare facility for dogs on Ebenezer Church Road in east Coweta County was denied by Coweta County Commission on a 4-1 vote.

Applicant Lori Lawrence of My Pampered Pooch requested that the facility for dogs and other small animals on 14.7 acres be permitted.

Commissioner Rodney Brooks during the discussion said he had received several calls from citizens who thought this property was located in the 4th Commission District.

As with the previous meeting of the Board of Zoning Appeals which ultimately recommended approval, a number of nearby neighbors at the commission meeting spoke in opposition to the request.

Proposed plans had the facility situated close to the property line of one neighbor.

Those opposing the request cited issues such as significant noise from multiple dogs, decreased property values, the operation of a business in a residential area and negative quality of life impact, along with concerns about a separate buffer variance request.

The vote on the motion to deny the request was 4-1, with Commissioner Bob Blackburn opposed.