Fayette begins process for growth, zoning plan

The Fayette County Board of Commissioners will convene a public hearing this week on the process of the full plan update of the county’s comprehensive plan.
It is one item on a relatively light agenda for the board’s Sept. 8 regular meeting.
An update of the comprehensive plan has been in discussion for several months. According to state law, “A first public hearing must be held at the inception of the local planning process. The purpose of this hearing is to brief the community on the process to be used to develop the plan, opportunities for public participation in development of the plan, and to obtain input on the proposed planning process. Once public comments have been addressed, the community may begin the process of developing the plan.”
This is the only public hearing on the meeting agenda.
The consent agenda includes a proposed declaration of 33 county vehicles as unserviceable and to be listed for sale on the Gov Deals website; a $295,650 joint funding agreement with the U.S. Geological Survey for water flow, stream data and CFM flow monitoring; and approval of minutes from recent meetings.
There is no old business on the meeting agenda.
Three items of new business involve the Public Art Committee. The board will consider a request to approve the committee’s mission, vision and purpose statements along with the annual “Scarecrows” competition and a recommended “Birdhouses” project.
Proclamations and recognitions on the agenda include declaring Sept. 17-23 as Constitution Week in Fayette County, Sept. 18-24 as Surgical Technologist Week in Fayette County, and recognizing Armed Forces Mission and Chaplain Kenneth Koon for their efforts on behalf of veterans and the law enforcement community.