Starr’s Mill cart path crossing project moves forward

County officials are moving forward with the Starr’s Mill cart path project after receiving direction from the Board of Commissioners.
The vote at the Aug. 11 regular meeting was to fund a crossing guard at the Foreston Place subdivision entrance on Redwine Road for the entirety of the 2016-2017 school year while future consideration is given to the construction of a tunnel, the cost of which would likely be covered by the next SPLOST should it be approved by the voters in March.
Staff recommended the modification of the existing crossing and retention of the crossing guard, which worked well during the previous school year according to county Zoning Director Pete Frisina.
“The presence of an officer there slows traffic,” he said, adding that there is good sight distance in each direction and minimal right-of-way issues.
The plan approved by the board is also compatible with future development of a tunnel under the road, or a high-intensity activated crosswalk could be installed without wasting any current resources.
“The safest option, with the exception of a tunnel, is to keep the status quo,” said Frisina.
The goal of the entire project is to provide safe passage of golf carts, bicycles and pedestrians from the west side of Redwine Road to the Starr’s Mill school complex (which includes an elementary, middle and high school) with minimal impact to traffic.
Other options considered include a new path with a north crossing or one with a south crossing.
A $295,000 budget has been identified for the project. Frisina noted that since it is 100 percent locally funded with no state assistance, the county has much more flexibility in what can be done and how to do it.
Last summer, Fayette County issued a Task Order to its Engineer of Record for design-of-path improvements along Redwine Road, between Foreston Place and Panther Path. A recommendation memorandum was completed in January 2016 and individual meetings were held with the Commissioners. No consensus was reached and the topic has been tabled so a discussion could be held.
As for getting a tunnel completed in the future, everyone agreed that it would be a good idea to put it on the SPLOST list as one of its transportation project. There was some discussion of inviting Peachtree City to participate, but that is not likely since it is in the unincorporated county.
“They don’t have money to fix potholes on their own path system,” said Commissioner Steve Brown.
Commissioner Randy Ognio also suggested getting the Fayette County Board of Education to help with funding.
Brown pointed out that whatever is ultimately done with the path should take into consideration future development in the area, as there are several undeveloped tracts of land that could likely become subdivisions eventually.
In other business, the board tabled consideration of a recommendation to appoint Lavonia Stepherson to the McIntosh Trail Community Service Board to fill an unexpired term. Brown made the motion to table after Commissioner David Barlow moved to approve the appointment. Brown said there were some related issues to discuss regarding the appointment and Stepherson had a recent death in her family.
Chairman Charles Oddo pointed out for clarification that when a board member moves to table an item it is typically done out automatically out of mutual respect for the board members. “I’m not saying I was in favor of it, but that it how we normally do it,” he said.
The board approved the appointment of Ted Kirk to the Region Six Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Addictive Diseases Regional Planning Board for a three-year term expiring June 30, 2019. The vote was unanimous.
There were no public hearings on the meeting agenda.
The consent agenda, which was unanimously approved, included a $204,776 bid for Water System distribution and repair parts as well as a $113,304.63 contract amendment regarding improvements to the Crosstown Water Treatment Plant. A staff recommendation to upgrade an office support position at Public Works and the Road Department was removed from the consent agenda and approved separately.