Show starts Mar. 18


Peachtree City Library, in cooperation with the Fayette County Art Collective, is hosting a community photo “tape-up” show that will be on display at the library beginning March 18 and through the month of April. The theme of the event is “In My Element.”

According to tape-up organizer and fine art photographer Donna Rosser, “There are spaces, places, subjects where we find ease and comfort. When one is in his/her element; they’re in the zone.”

Photographers of all ages and skill levels are invited to submit one image, a 5×7 or 8.5×11 print (no mats, mounting, frames or plastic sleeves, please), in person March 18 or 19 between 1 and 4 p.m. at the library.

Black and white or color photos accepted. All photos must be family-friendly. There is no cost to participate.

For more information, visit