4-H competes at district event


Fayette County 4-H’ers recently competed at District Project Achievement at Rock Eagle 4-H Center.

To compete in Project Achievement, students in grades 7-12 select a project area of interest, complete a portfolio of yearly activities, and prepare an illustrated demonstration on a specific topic. Youth in grades 7-8 compete on the Junior level while those in grades 9-12 compete on the Senior level.

Junior participants were Isabella Ackerman (Environmental Science), Shelly Bentley (Arts), Lilly Bentley (Performing Arts Instrumental), Jeffrey Chambers (Pizza), Ashlynn Eisele (Horse), Nyla Nelson (Performing Arts Vocal), David Niedermeyer (History), Emily Seckinger (General Recreation), and Allison Spinney (Marine Science).  Senior competitors were Abigail Beaulieu (Arts & Crafts), Bernard Finch (Computer Information Technology), Katie Mize (Festive Foods for Health), Tori Rossi (Wildlife), and Olivia Seckinger (Workforce Preparation and Career Development).  These 4-H’ers represented Fayette County among the 675 participants from 37 counties.

Among the Juniors, Lilly Bentley, Shelly Bentley, and Allison Spinney placed first in their categories, Isabella Ackerman, Jeffrey Chambers, and Nyla Nelson placed second, and Ashlynn Eisele and Emily Seckinger placed third.

On the Senior level, Katie Mize placed first, advancing her to the state competition, State Congress. At that four-day event held in Atlanta, 4-Her’s compete as well as attend formal banquets and educational tours. Sara Kahley and April McDaniel attended as 4-H staff.

Special thanks go to Mike De Lisle, 4-H volunteer, for assisting with competition preparations.

Fayette County 4-H offers many more fun and educational opportunities throughout the year.

For more information, contact the Extension office at 770-305-5412 ext. 7.