ProHealth pilates expert Karyn Staples gives tips for beginning an exercise routine

You need people in your camp, a community, to help you meet your goals says Karyn Staples, Pilates expert and owner of ProHealth Studios .

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New Year’s resolutions about fitness are often left unresolved. Pilates Expert Karyn Staples, PT, PhD, has a method for making movement happen and keep happening.

The first step to the Staples Momentum Method is to set one goal to achieve each week. She suggests getting thirty minutes of cardio, five days a week. “Start at thirty minutes, one day a week, then two days a week, then three. Once you’ve met that goal, you can add something else. There are people who set lofty goals, and as soon as they fall off the wagon, they want to quit. Start with one goal and make it consistent. As you achieve, you’ll feel like a winner,” said Staples, the lead physical therapist at ProHealth Physical Therapy and Pilates Studio in Peachtree City.

Staples continued, “Your next goal might be to add a Pilates class once a week. Once you’ve met one goal, you add another. This is how we gain momentum.”

The Staples Momentum Method also includes only setting achievable, measurable goals. “If you set a goal that’s not achievable, it’s discouraging. You don’t want to start too lofty, to try to be like your neighbor who works out everyday for two hours.”

Her method also emphasizes accountability, having a spouse, a personal trainer and/or a coach. “You need people in your camp, a community who can help you meet your goals,” said Staples.

Staples said to make room for both hiccups and celebration. “Life isn’t perfect. Life is messy. Take a deep breath and move onto your next goal,” she said. She continued, “Celebrate small successes. If you weigh in every day, you may not see the changes. See that the trend is going in the right direction, even though the path isn’t always straight. Praise yourself for trying. Continue to motivate yourself to keep going.”

The Staples Momentum Method includes remembering the Why. “You have to know why you set that goal in the first place, so you can maintain your motivation.”

Some resolutions hit a wall because of injury. “If there’s discomfort that would be described as burning, sharp or electric, you need to seek medical attention from your physician or physical therapist,” said Staples.

Last year, Georgia’s Physical Therapy Practice Act was modernized. Patients may seek medical care from a licensed physical therapist for eight visits or twenty-one days, before needing a consult with a physician. Some medical insurances may still require a physician’s referral.

Physical Therapy at ProHealth is Pilates-based. Pilates allows for improved body alignment and postural strength. All other movement and exercise is improved with the foundational support Pilates provides.

“If you’re new to Pilates, the best thing to do is to come in for a one-on-one session,” said Staples. She suggests using private Pilates lessons as a springboard to joining one of thirteen weekly group classes offered at ProHealth.

Staples Momentum Method has been working for Jennifer (*name changed.) A mom in her early 40s, Jennifer comes into ProHealth three times a week-with both private Pilates sessions and duets with a friend. A few months back she decided if she didn’t schedule exercise for herself, it wouldn’t happen. Booking appointments at ProHealth has helped her accountability.

Pilates at ProHealth also helped her clothes to fit better, improved her posture and made her feel good about herself. Jennifer said, “I needed to get my mommy body back in shape. Now I feel better in my own skin.”

Start with one goal and make it consistent. As you achieve, you’ll feel like a winner.

Celebrating their 10th anniversary, ProHealth Physical Therapy and Pilates Studio is located at 1401 Georgian Park, Suite 120 in Peachtree City. To schedule Physical Therapy or a Private Pilates lesson, call ProHealth at 770-487-1931. Group, duet and trio Pilates classes are also available.