Record voter registration announced


Secretary of State Brian Kemp announced a new voter registration record in Georgia today. Over the last seven days, 54,385 Georgians registered to vote or updated their registration status using the office’s Online Voter Registration website (OLVR).

“These numbers are unprecedented on OLVR and show that Georgians are excited about the SEC Primary,” said Kemp. “Georgians deserve this opportunity to have their voices heard on the issues affecting the needs of our state.”

Kemp launched OLVR in March 2014 as a way for Georgians to register to vote 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As a part of the roll-out, the Secretary of State’s office encouraged high school students and first time voters to register through the platform. Over the last seven days, 37,903 Georgians registered to vote for the first time using OLVR.

The largest registration day was Feb. 1, the last day to register for the March 1 contest, when 21,351 voters used the platform. By the final hours of Monday traffic on the site increased to one new or updated voter registration every three seconds.

“It was always my hope that this easier and more convenient form of voter registration would increase in popularity so voters and counties could register more quickly than with a paper application. It is safe to say that day has come,” said Kemp.

Georgia’s OLVR was one of the first online voter registration platforms in the nation. Unlike other states, Georgia’s system works directly with the Department of Drivers’ Services to automatically register voters who verify using a Georgia driver’s license or identification card number.

Early voting for the SEC Primary begins Monday, Feb. 8. Voters can find their early voting location and view a sample ballot at or by using the “GA Votes” smartphone app.  Early voting locations are open during regular business hours, and Saturday voting will be available in all counties Feb. 20. The polls on Election Day, March 1, will be open 7 a.m.-7 p.m.