Politifact needed for district vote


In his letter to The Citizen last week, Captain Dennis Benson lambasts the Democratic Party in general and Representative Virgil Fludd in particular for a lack of vision while extolling the local Republican Party for all manner of progress. He cites the following example of superior Republican governance:

Just fly over the county and see the dynamic business environment while under Republican leadership. And that environment continues to grow with one of the largest movie studios in the world, and the businesses expanding around it as a result — Georgia Military College opening a new campus — all under Republicans.

Unfortunately, Capt. Benson’s memory requires some refreshing. The West Fayetteville Bypass he so admires as he flies overhead was vociferously opposed by most of the sitting County Commissioners and the local Tea Party. This “dynamic business environment” was labeled the “Road to Nowhere,” and its Republican advocates were ridiculed and turned out of office for supporting the infrastructure enabling the college and movie studio he now lauds.

For the above statement, why not give Capt. Benson a mostly false rating. In spite of their erected barriers, the Republican politicians were merely fortunate that the county’s business leaders ignored their shortsightedness.

David Aycock
Fayetteville, Ga.