Book signing set for Nov. 14


There will be a book signing by Patricia McCullough Walston Saturday, Nov. 14, 2-4 p.m. at the nearly restored 190-year-old Old Hopeful Baptist Church, at the corner of New Hope Road and Hwy. 92 North.

Patricia is a longtime citizen of Fayette County and her husband’s family helped settle the county from the beginning of the land lottery days.

She has two new books which were released within weeks of each other. Both will be on sale at a much-reduced price for this event. They are “Sunday Meetin’ Time: The Little Church on the Hill” and “Sunday Meetin’ Time: The Alrods.”
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The first book opens in 2015 with flashbacks to the era mostly used in the book which is 1939 and 1940; but in the flashbacks. There are flashbacks to 1850 with the original farmer coming to America and a later ancestor serving in World War I. The 1939-1940 era is where most of the story takes place.

The second book ends just before the bombing of Pearl Harbor (Patricia was eight months old when that happened).

One lady who has already read both books have said the characters are so real that she would like to “drive up in the yard, go inside and sit at their big old dinner table and visit with these folks for a while.”
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