Eagle awards cited


Boy Scout Troop 175 has announced that Jonathan Nase and Andrew Donovan achieved the rank of Eagle Scout.  The two were awarded the honor May 10 during a ceremony held at Peachtree United Methodist Church’s Scout Lodge.

Jonathan and Andrew have been in scouting since first grade and the boys have been in the same patrol since second grade.  The two are both juniors in high school now, Jonathan at McIntosh High School and Andrew at Starr’s Mill High School.  

Jonathan’s Eagle Project was in support of the trail network on property in Fayetteville managed by the Southern Trust Conservatory. Jonathan designed and constructed a 14-foot bridge over a portion of a hiking and biking trail cut by the flow of a natural waterway.

Andrew’s Eagle Project was building five picnic tables for the Meade lacrosse field.

In addition to the boys’ projects, they completed years of leadership, community service and a minimum of 21 merit badges.