FMGA meeting is Nov. 17


Charles Andrews will be the speaker at the Nov. 17 Fayette Master Gardener Association meeting, scheduled for 11 a.m. at the Bridge, 225 Willow Bend Road in Peachtree City.

Charles Andrews’ knowledge of plants is self-taught, with more than 40 years of study and digging in the dirt. He is president of the Azalea Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society and a member of the Azalea Society of America. His love of native azaleas and his engineering mind have caused him to want to know everything about them. He spends many days each year in the woods searching for these plants, camera, magnifying lens, and notebook in hand. While he and his wife like many different kinds of plants, they have chosen to have many hundreds of native azaleas in their garden.

Andrews writes articles for the Azalea Chapter newsletter and website, as well as articles for both societies’ journals. He is presently working on two books about American azaleas: one a picture book of artist illustrations, beginning with a 17th-century woodcut illustration of our swamp azalea; and another book on the history and characteristics of American azaleas.

The public is invited to this free lecture. For more information visit or contact