How high the sign? PTC wants to know


The Peachtree City Council on Nov. 4 will take another look at an amendment for the Ga. Highway 54 West overlay that pertains to the height of wall signs on buildings. The item was continued from the Oct. 15 meeting.

The council on Thursday night will consider an amendment to the Ga. Highway 54 West design guidelines. The proposed amendment deals with wall signage which was the focus at the Oct. 15 council meeting and resulted in some council members requesting additional information.

The issue dealt with the height of wall signs positioned above individual businesses.

By way of example, wall signage for the new Michael’s store would be limited to two feet in height according to the current ordinance. All on the council agreed that such a height was too small. Michaels will be approximately 600 feet from the roadway.

The problem, and subsequent discussion, came when the council tried to agree on what height should be approved. That attempt was futile, with preferences ranging from 3,4 or 5 feet in height while maintaining overall square footage requirements.

The council requested that city staff in November explain how the amendment would effect a wider range of businesses in the overlay district.

The council on Nov. 4 will also consider a conditional use permit for a telecommunications tower on the property of the Peachtree City Church of Christ located at 201 South Peachtree Parkway.

TowerCom V LLC is requesting a 150-foot mono-pine tower with lightning rods located in a 2,500 sq. ft. area and enclosed by a 7-foot fence with decorative brick columns.