Fayetteville Mayor Clifton announces reelection platform


In public appearances, my opponent has mentioned a few initiatives such as listening to the constituents by holding town hall meetings as if these were his ideas. However, everything he talks about implementing are already in the process of being implemented under my administration. He really is offering nothing new, but is trying to take credit for what is already in the works.

In his printed campaign materials, my opponent offers nothing substantial, only an empty and undefined slogan of “Taking Fayetteville To The Next Level,” whatever that means.

By contrast, Mayor Clifton has specific initiatives for the next four years, including:

• Redevelopment within the TAD district

• Business Retention and Recruitment, especially at the Pavilion

• More live, work, play options for Fayetteville to help attract Millennials, including night life, jazz club, brew pub, block parties, yoga, walking, mountain bike and water trails at the Ridge Nature Preserve and multipurpose paths as new development occurs.

• Increased emphasis on public safety, including body cameras for police and specific training for how to handle incidents involving elderly residents

Here are but a few accomplishments under Mayor Clifton’s leadership:

• Best working relationship with the county government in the past 27 years, per Mr. Jim Pace

• Negotiated a more favorable LOST (Local Option Sales Tax) distribution ratio with the county, Peachtree City and Tyrone without resorting to a lawsuit, including a second effort to bring Tyrone back into the negotiations to make the deal work

• Successfully promoted the TAD Referendum (Tax Allocation District, a tool for assisting in redevelopment of older properties), so that it passed by nearly 70 percent after failing by 7 percent under the previous administration

• Borrowed $2.5 million at historically low interest rates to fund stormwater repair projects before our infrastructure deteriorates any further, which would result in much higher repair costs

• Facade and parking lot improvements at Hudson Plaza II/Michael’s

• Twisted Taco

• Pinewood Atlanta Studios

• Georgia Military College

• Two Kroger fuel centers, including the largest one in the Southeast

• The Ridge Nature Preserve with mountain bike trails, and water trail coming next summer

Other than Mickey Edwards and myself, those whose names are on the ballot are supported by former Mayor Ken Steele, who never once offered congratulations or well wishes to me after I defeated him four years ago. It is evident that he and the “old guard” are still bitter and do not have the best interest of Fayetteville at heart.

If you already have enough drama in your life and appreciate that your Fayetteville City Council has not been in the newspapers each week bickering over issues, whether large or small, I urge you to “Maintain the MO-mentum and Vote Team CEO”: Clifton for mayor, Edwards for Post 2, Oddo for Post 1 (write-in Mimi Oddo).

Honored to serve these past four years and asking you to vote for four more.

Greg Clifton, mayor
Fayetteville, Ga.