Golf tournament set for Sept. 25


First Presbyterian Church in Peachtree City will host Golf for Missions on Friday, Sept. 25,  at Summer Grove Golf Course in Newnan.

The cost is $100 per player and includes green fees, golf cart, breakfast, lunch, range balls, and prizes.

Golfers of all abilities are welcome to this fun event.  Funds raised will support local and global missions, including Thornwell Children’s Home, Presbyterian Disaster Relief, Fayette Samaritans, Healing Bridge Clinic, Promise Place,   Welcome House and others.

Sponsorships are available in many different categories and price ranges.  Sign up forms are available at the church Welcome Center for players and sponsors.

For additional information, call the church office, 770-487-7757; tournament director Sheryl Watford, 678-895-5260; or visit .