NAACP decries violence here and in Charleston


Fayetteville, June 18, 2015: Initially disturbed by recent vicious act of deadly gun violence at the Fayetteville Applebee’s Restaurant and now the mass shootings on Highway 279 in North Fayette County, Fayette NAACP President John E. Jones was moved to speak out about these crimes.

Also happening around the same time was an epic tragedy occurring in College Park when a father of four was struck by a stray bullet. President Jones said:

“When it comes to crime and deadly violence invading our community committed by anyone of any race, the NAACP must not and will not remain silent. Specifically, crime and violence committed by African Americans or committed against African Americans are equally reprehensible.

Today, I am shocked by deadly gun violence occurring in a historic African American church in Charleston. And sadly for young African Americans, the temptation to shoot or kill a human being for trivial reasons puts everyone at risk.

“Scripture says ‘Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.’ Let us continue to pray without ceasing. But In addition to praying, there is much we can say and do! We will begin to address this growing problem of crime and violence with a grassroots effort I call Deliver Us From Evil.

“The Deliver Us From Evil initiative is taken from the Bible to create a strong faith-based foundation for those who are praying believers in God to invoke the Holy Spirit to show the way forward.

“With millions of dangerous firearms in circulation or for sale in America, the heightened potential for gun violence is an ever-present, growing threat and a serious matter of life and death.

“Couple that with hate, egotism, poverty and the glorification of guns by the music and entertainment industry, you then have a perfect recipe for a never-ending cycle of breaking news about crimes involving guns.

“With no appetite for any more gun control laws, America is essentially an undeclared war zone where innocent victims of gun violence will continue to pay the highest price.

“The Fayette NAACP aims to counter threats of gun violence by informing citizens about ways to protect themselves from potentially dangerous situations, ways to detect and report suspicious activity to the NAACP and law enforcement and maximize local community policing efforts.

“The Fayette NAACP will also advocate for the enactment of sensible legislation to counter gun violence and make recommendations such as the use of social media to alert others about suspicious people and potential threats.”

John E. Jones, president
Fayette County NAACP
Fayetteville, Ga.