Fayette Pres. VBS set for June 15


Members of Fayette Presbyterian Church invite children to join them Monday, June 15 – Friday, June 19, 6 to 7:30 p.m., for “the Coolest VBS of the Summer!”  

The theme of VBS is “Everest: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power.”  

VBS is open to rising K through rising sixth grade kids and  will feature music, interactive Bible stories, games, and cool science-y gizmos. On Friday night, the church  will host a Neighborhood Block Party for the whole family with food, games, face-painting, inflatables and more.

Register on the church website, www.fayettepcusa.org, or call 770-461-7147 for assistance.  FPC is at 791 Forest Ave. (Ga. Hwy. 92 N), Fayetteville.