Quota hunt applications now accepted


As of June 1, sportsmen and women can apply electronically for quota hunts including adult/child, deer, alligator, waterfowl, dove and many others, according to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division.  

“We are especially pleased to bring hunters a new system this year that improves and streamlines the application process,” said John Bowers, Chief of the Game Management Section with the Wildlife Resources Division. “This system, which debuts on June 1, allows applicants to use their existing license purchase account – so there is no separate quota application system requiring customers to remember a different user name or password.”

What is a quota hunt and why do you want to go?  A quota hunt is a scheduled event at a Wildlife Management Area or other state-managed property where a limited number of hunters are allowed.  Quota levels are based upon the sound principles of wildlife management and public desires for a quality hunt.  These hunts provide a challenging and rewarding experience to hunters of all levels.  Selected hunters must be properly licensed to participate in a quota hunt.

Continue to make sure your email address is current and correct so that you can receive quota updates, confirmations and any notices about quota hunts.

Application deadlines vary depending on hunt type. The first deadlines are July 31 for alligator, Aug. 15 for dove, including adult/child, and Sept. 1 for all types of deer hunts, including adult/child.

To be sure to get your application in on time, check the complete deadline list located at www.gohuntgeorgia.com/hunting/quota.

To view selection odds, based on previous years’ applicants, visit www.gohuntgeorgia.com/hunting/quotaodds.

For more information, visit www.gohuntgeorgia.com/hunting/quota, email Brandon.anderson@dnr.state.ga.us or call 770-761-3045.