Religion Briefs 04/29/15


Holy Trinity’s GriefShare starts tonight
A spring/summer session of GriefShare will be offered at Holy Trinity Church at 101 Walt Banks Rd. in Peachtree City.  GriefShare is a Christian grief support group for those who are grieving the death of a loved one.  The meetings will be held on Wednesday evenings beginning April 29,  from 7-9 p.m., in room #102 of the Faith Formation Building.  To register or for more information, contact Gayle Reddy, 770-631-8251.

Faith Bible Church plans yard sale
Faith Bible Church, 4907 Ga. Highway 34 E., Sharpsburg, will have a yard sale this Friday and Saturday, May 1 and 2, from 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. A car wash and bake sale will be held at the same time. Proceeds will go toward the church’s missions trip to the Dominican Republic in June and July.

Pastor Ervin honored at Holly Grove
Holly Grove AME Church will host its “Annual Pastor’s Appreciation Day” honoring Pastor J. Larry Ervin II on Sunday, May 3, at 10:30 a.m. Holly Grove AME Church is located at 400 Holly Grove Church Rd, Peachtree City.

National Day of Prayer event planned
The prayer team at Christ’s Church at Whitewater  will lead in prayer for God’s healing and blessing for the country on the National Day of Prayer, Thursday, May 7, at noon, at the Gazebo on the square in Fayetteville. Several local ministers will lead in prayers for the President, Vice President, Congress, Supreme Court, Pentagon and military, White House and congressional staffs, government agencies, state and local governments and the churches in America.  Special music will be provided by Mary Spearman, guest soloist. For questions and information, call Pat Spearman, 770-461-6183, or email

Weekend yard sale planned
St. Gabriel Catholic Church and the St. Vincent de Paul Society will host a yard sale Friday, May 15 from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Saturday, May 16 from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. The church is at 152 Antioch Road, Fayetteville.

Holly Grove celebrates 118th
Holly Grove AME Church will host its 118th Church Anniversary on Sunday, May 24, at 10:30 am. Holly Grove AME Church is located at 400 Holly Grove Church Rd., Peachtree City.

Flat Rock AME plans summer camp
Flat Rock A.M.E. Church, 148 Old Chapel Lane, Fayetteville, will have an Esteem, Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math Summer Camp for sixth through eighth grade girls June 1 through July 29. The cost is $100 per week. Contact Dr. Vanessa Johnson, 770·856·3273, for information.