Sandy Creek SkillsUSA joins elite circle


Sandy Creek High has joined an elite group of only 24 high schools across the nation whose SkillsUSA chapters have been declared the best.

The Sandy Creek chapter has been recognized as a Model of Excellence, the highest award achievable through the SkillsUSA Chapter of Excellence Program (CEP). This award honors the best chapters in the nation. These chapters define excellence and serve as models for other chapters to emulate.

The CEP consists of three award tiers. The first two are recognized at the state level: “Quality Chapter” and “Chapters of Distinction.” The first honors chapters for achieving baseline standards of excellence. The second recognizes chapters that go beyond the baseline requirements with bronze, silver and gold awards.

Sandy Creek’s chapter recently earned both the “Quality” and “Gold Level Chapter of Distinction” awards at the Georgia SkillsUSA Leadership and Skills Conference.

The Chapter of Excellence Program honors chapter achievement relative to SkillsUSA’s framework of developing personal, workplace and technical skills. The framework actualizes SkillsUSA’s mission “to empower members to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens.” It also serves as the blueprint for workplace readiness — the ultimate goal of the organization.