F’ville police records don’t support residents’ crime perception


A public comment made at a recent meeting of the Fayetteville City Council included the statement that crime reports from the Cobblestone Apartments on East Lanier Avenue revealed “three pages of rapes and thefts.”

A check of those reports showed that over a 33-month period there were no rapes and 11 thefts out of 110 calls and an average of 3.3 calls per month to the 248-unit apartment complex.

The comment came from a resident opposed to the proposal by Cobblestone to add 33 townhomes on six acres adjacent to the apartment complex that was approved on a 3-1 vote. The current Cobblestone Apartments on East Lanier Avenue includes 248 units.

Fayetteville Police Chief Scott Pitts was contacted by The Citizen after the meeting and provided a report compiled on incidents at Cobblestone over a period of 33 months, beginning in June 2012 and extending to March 4, 2015. That figure translates into 3.3 calls per month.

The report listed 110 calls made to 911 reporting various alleged crimes along with a number of traffic stops made by officers at the location that may, or may not, have been related to Cobblestone residents.

It should be noted that the initial calls made by citizens do not always reflect the nature of the incidents once officers arrive and assess the circumstances.

Such was the case with the only case of a reported rape that occurred in September 2013. The subsequent investigation of the call determined that no such violation occurred, according to Det. Mike Whitlow.

As for the remainder of the 110 calls, 18 were traffic-related such as traffics stops, accidents and drivers under the influence and may, or may not, have involved Cobblestone residents.

Other call categories showed 17 domestic calls, 11 thefts, 11 miscellaneous calls, five criminal damages calls, four robbery calls, four disorderly child calls and two calls for assaults or fights.

Other calls, which included one or more types of alerts, showed issues such as medical assistance, missing person, information, forgery, suspicious person, suicide threat and intrusion alarm activation.