Fayette Visioning Initiative moving forward with plans


The Fayette Visioning Initiative is moving forward with implementation plans and recently announced a several updates.

Committee co-chairs have begun organizing meetings for their implementation area, and have invited residents who previously communicated interest in being part of the project to join one of the committees.

The committees for Community, Place and Prosperity have met at least once since the beginning of the year, and the Education group plans to convene later in March.

Each group is working to establish group priorities and a plan of work. Once priorities are settled and the committees begin to move forward, ongoing progress will be reported on the FayetteVision.org website.

Fayette citizens wishing to participate in one of the focus areas may find out additional information by emailing Info@FayetteVision.org or visiting www.FayetteVision.org.

To keep the community well informed as the process moves forward, a group of highly experienced local communications professionals are serving on a Visioning Communications committee chaired by Paige Muh. This committee will establish communications strategies and tools to keep the community engaged in the visioning process.

The Fayette Visioning Initiative is a diverse group of Fayette County business and community leaders who have come together to lead the community through a process to implement a five year vision plan for Fayette County. Further information about the visioning process, the complete Vision Plan document, corresponding implementation guidelines, and other important process documentation can be found on the website.