COS Lutheran will celebrate the Spiritual Jan. 10-11


Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church in Peachtree City will celebrate a unique American contribution, the Spiritual, at all four services Jan. 10-11.

The Sanctuary Choir will sing an anthem by local composer William Allen Pasch, in which he matched two Spiritual tunes, “To the Water” and “New Jordan,” to a text by Martin Luther.

“Second Sundays Band” will lead the congregation in traditional Spirituals at the 10:50 a.m. service and also some more contemporary expressions.

Among the guest musicians is Reggie Johnson. Songs made popular by Reggie’s grandfather, Dr. C.J. Johnson will be included in the singing. The songs were recorded by Dr. Johnson on an album entitled “My Father’s Work” in 1988.

The public is invited. Christ Our Shepherd is on the corner of Ga.Highway 54 and Peachtree Parkway.