Ramsey reelected House whip


    ATLANTA – The House Republican Caucus met Nov. 10 and reelected its key leaders, including House Majority Whip Matt Ramsey (R-Peachtree City).

    “I am incredibly honored to be elected to serve as the Majority Caucus Whip,” said Ramsey, a Peachtree City attorney. “I look forward to working with the men and women of the House Republican Caucus to move our agenda forward over the next two years for the benefit of the citizens of Georgia.”

    Ramsey represents the citizens of District 72, which includes portions of Coweta and Fayette counties. He was elected into the House of Representatives in 2007, and currently serves as the House Majority Whip. He also serves on the Appropriations, Ethics, Higher Education, Judiciary Non-Civil, Regulated Industries, Rules, and Ways & Means committees.