Covenant Presbyterian hosts annual picnic for public safety personnel


Members of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Fayetteville held their Third Annual Public Safety Picnic on Saturday, Sept. 6, to honor the men and women who serve and protect the community. The picnic was for Public Safety personnel and their families.

Jamie Lambert, senior pastor of Covenant, said, “Our church family is thankful for the excellent service these men and women provide for this community.”

To see more pictures of the Public Safety picnic, visit the church website,

Jene Burdin, Mary Clark and Celeste Dirickson serve up lunch to a member of the Fayette County Sheriff’s Department at the annual picnic for public safety personnel hosted by Fayetteville’s Covenant Presbyterian Church Sept. 6. Photo/Special.

Fayette County Sheriff Barry Babb (L) and Covenant Presbyterian’s senior pastor, Jamie Lambert engage in lively conversation during the church’s annual picnic for public safety personnel. Photo/Special.