Some PTC ‘angels’ help out grandmother, baby


I would like to bring attention to some very special people who came to the aid of a grandma in distress. Sunday, Aug. 17, I got stranded by a golf cart that refused to shift into gear near the SpeedZone in Braelinn Village. The worst part of this is that I had my 11-month-old granddaughter on the golf cart with me.

Rich Van’t Hof, owner of the SpeedZone, saw my dilemma and without hesitation offered to help me. His top priority (as well as mine) was my granddaughter.

He got his truck, made sure the golf cart was in “tow mode” and hooked me up to his truck and proceeded to tow me down Peachtree Parkway to my home. Along the way, the golf cart “tow mode” somehow locked up and we could go no further. Rich made sure that Ava, my granddaughter and I were safely in his air conditioned truck, then walked a short distance to the Braelinn Fire Station and got five members of the fire department to help lift the golf cart onto the curb. During that time, some person in a black sedan stopped behind the golf cart and put on their flashers to be sure nobody ran into the back of me.

Rich safely delivered Ava and me back to my house. I called John from John’s Golf Car Service to see if he could pick up the cart and deliver it to my home so it wasn’t left sitting overnight next to Peachtree Parkway. He was on the north side of Atlanta but promised me I would have it by nightfall. Wouldn’t you know, he came through with his promise and not only did he get the golf cart, he did it in the pouring rain.

We only hear about the negative things that people do. I am here to tell you that this world is still filled with wonderful people who come to the aid of others who they have never ever met.

To the firemen who helped out; to the anonymous person who stopped behind the cart and put his (her) flashers on; and to John of John’s Golf Car Service, I thank you. To Rich Van’t Hof, you were my guardian angel and I cannot thank you enough. God bless all of you.

Brenda Fitzpatrick and baby Ava Guske
Peachtree City, Ga.