Play your part in next step for Fayette Visioning


Citizens are invited to learn and take part in the next steps for Fayette’s plan for the future on Tuesday, July 15 at 5:30 p.m. at Dolce Atlanta-Peachtree.

As announced last week, the Fayette Visioning Initiative Steering Committee recently adopted a vision statement and plan that outlines specific goals, objectives and tactics for Fayette County that elevates education, economic development, employment opportunities and quality of life to unrivaled heights.

Considerable citizen input was requested and compiled over the last nine months to ensure a vision plan that truly reflects the desires and needs of the Fayette community.

The Vision Plan identifies four major interrelated focus areas — education, economy, community and place — to lay the framework for the implementation plan for Fayette’s future. Within each focus area, the plan outlines goals, specific action steps to meet these goals, as well as the impact to our community should no action be taken.

The first area of focus outlined in this column last week was education, which defined Fayette’s K-12 school system as the hallmark of our community. The plan aspires to further advance our strong school system to a world class K-12 education center of excellence and lifelong learning by developing strategic uses of technology between schools and the business community; more fluid teaching methodologies, and a full continuum of education options in the county.

As we look at the second focus area of economy, the plan indicates that continued economic growth and competitiveness in Fayette County can be sustained by providing local jobs that align more with resident skills.

Supporting business in core economic sectors, such as aviation, healthcare and professional services, is critical to long-term economic development success. Expanding fiber infrastructure, developing a coordinated talent attraction marketing campaign and optimizing an Industry Council are all ways that can elevate Fayette’s economic competitiveness.

Enhanced support of small business and entrepreneurs will also increase opportunities for residents to work where they live. Establishment of an incubator or accelerator to provide tools and mentor small business growth will attract and retain businesses that employ Fayette residents. With a more localized workforce, residents can spend less time commuting out of Fayette and have an opportunity to feel more connected to Fayette.

The recent arrival of the film and entertainment industry offers a unique opportunity to capitalize on economic growth. The plan recognizes that strategic actions focusing on relationships with local vendors and production companies will be critical to developing a sustainable film and entertainment industry cluster.

It is important to remember that the goals and actions set forth in the Vision Plan are for purposes of direction and make allowances for goals to change as opportunities and resources evolve. Continued citizen involvement is critical at this stage of the process as we transition forward to the implementation phase.

The Steering Committee invites all Fayette citizens and stakeholders to our next public meeting Tuesday, July 15, at 5:30 p.m. at Dolce Atlanta-Peachtree. An overview of the Vision Plan will be presented in a large group setting followed by breakout sessions led by members of the Steering Committee.

In those small group sessions, citizens can learn detailed information about the plan’s four areas of focus and corresponding action items, learn how to engage in the process and ask any questions about the process and future implementation plan.

Next week, we will visit plan highlights around the third area of focus — community.

The Fayette Visioning Initiative is a diverse group of Fayette County business and community leaders who have come together to lead the community through a process to create a five year vision plan for Fayette County.

Further information about the visioning process, the complete Vision Plan document, the list of Steering Committee members, and other important process documentation can be found at Email to join the mailing list or request a visioning speaker for your group or organization.

[Bob Ross and Trey Ragsdale are co-chairs of the Fayette Visioning Initiative.]