In real world, pay raise comes after you show you deserve it


I am stunned to read at the top of the front page of today’s Citizen, “New Mayor, New Council = Pay Raise?”

The article says that the newly installed mayor and council of Peachtree City are seriously considering voting for an immediate 100 percent pay raise for themselves.

To these “public servants,” most of whom are newly elected to their offices, I can only ask, “This is a joke, right?” I mean, it’d better be, because, if it isn’t, it can only mean that all of you have gone completely out of your minds!

100 percent? Listen. I, and hundreds of the people who just elected you, are totally speechless.

Let me tell you how things work in the “real world,” may I? In the real world, new employees (that’s you) don’t get raises until they have proven by their performance and by the value of the job that they do, that they are worthy and deserving of a raise. Duh?

So don’t talk to me about a raise for at least a year … two would be better. In the meantime, do the job we elected you to do, and do it well. Get along, work together and stop the fussin’.

And, it wouldn’t hurt, just for good measure, for you to fix the potholes all over town (Peachtree Parkway, headed north between the Braelinn Golf Club and Crosstown Road is like a road in a Third World country), get our cart paths back in shape, sow some grass in the medians and cut down all the weeds and brush along our lake right aways so we can see our city’s beautiful water features once again when spring gets here.

Do all of this and we can talk raise … but not until. Meanwhile, I don’t want to hear about raises. Period.

Paul Massey
Peachtree City, Ga.