Betty Block of Peachtree City


Betty Block of Peachtree City passed away un-expectedly at age 87 on December 20th, 2013.

Betty was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on January 12, 1926. Upon retirement, she and her husband of 67 years, John, retired to Florida but have resided in Peachtree City for the last 15 years.

Betty was an avid bridge player and reader. She loved to play golf until a few years ago. Her passion for life always included a smile, a friendly “hello,” and a meaningful  “how are you?” She recently became a great grandmother which brought a renewed bounce to her step.

In addition to her husband, John, she is survived by Robin Block Devin and her husband, Rick (Hope Valley, Rhode Island), her two sons, Jeff Block and his wife, Karen (Lilburn, Ga.), and  Jerry Block and his wife Mary, (Wayne, Pa.) She loved and cherished her 7 grand-children, Eric and Darton Devin, John and Katie Block, and Kevin, Kyle (Samantha), and Kit Block as well as a great grandson, Levon Jamison Block.

Arrangements will be private.

 Memorial contributions in her name and honor can be made to:
    Peachtree City Library, Inc.
    PO Box 3641, Peachtree City, Ga., 30269
    MS Society of Greater Delaware Valley
    30 S. 17th St., Suite 800, Philadelphia, Pa., 19103