Jobless rate rises in Fayette, Coweta


    The unemployment rate is Fayette and Coweta counties is much like a rollercoaster. And in October, that rollercoaster is on an uphill trek again. Newnan and Peachtree City also saw jobless numbers climb in October.

    What had been a 6.7 percent unemployment rate in Fayette in September rose to 7 percent in October. Similarly in Coweta, September’s 6.8 percent rate rose to 7.1 percent in October.

    In Fayette, the October jobless numbers translated into 3,751 people out of work in a workforce of 53,277 while in Coweta there were 4,491 people out of work in a workforce of 63,644.

    Similar numbers were seen in Newnan and Peachtree City as reported Thursday by the Ga. Dept. of Labor. The unemployment rate in Newnan climbed from 8.1 percent in September to 8.3 percent in October. Next door in Peachtree City, the 5.8 percent rate in September gave way to a 6.2 percent rate in October.

    A small rise in jobless numbers was also evidenced in the 10-county Three Rivers Commission area of which Coweta is a part. Three Rivers in September had an unemployment rate of 8.3 percent. In October the rate increased slightly to 8.4 percent.

    The 10-county Atlanta Regional Commission area which includes Fayette saw jobless numbers in October at 7.8 percent compared to the 7.4 percent rate in September.

    Viewed statewide, Georgia also saw an increase in unemployment in October with a rate of 8 percent. That compares to the 7.7 percent rate in September. Those numbers translate into more than 380,000 people out of work in a workforce of more than 4.7 million.