Dogwood Church will offer holiday seminar on GriefShare


Dogwood Church in Tyrone will offer GriefShare – Surviving the Holidays, a seminar, Wednesday, Nov. 20, from 7-9 p.m. The group will meet in the Atrium area of the church office. The video presentation will offer suggestions on how to handle hard-hitting emotions during the holiday season, what to do about family traditions, how to scale back on activities and holiday preparations, and where to find the strength to go on.

“I learned that it’s okay not to carry on every tradition, and it’s okay to cut back on invitations,” shared a seminar attendee.

After the video, there will be a small group discussion where attendees discuss concepts learned on the video and share their specific concerns. Each seminar attendee receives a Survival Guide containing over 30 days of short, devotional readings that target specific concerns faced by grieving people.

To register, contact Donna at 770-692-7634, or email Dogwood Church is at 975 Ga. Hwy. 74 South in Tyrone.