Book signing next week in Peachtree City


Peachtree City author Debby Giusti will sign her latest novel, “The Soldier Sister” at Omega Book Center Sept. 24, from 4 to 6:30 p.m. Proceeds from the event will benefit the US Army’s Wounded Warrior (AW2) Program, which is featured in the story.

Giusti interviewed Nancy Carlisle, the AW2 Advocate at Fort Benning, to research information for the book. As one of more than 200 advocates nationwide, Carlisle provides hands-on support for wounded, injured and/or ill soldiers during their recuperation, rehabilitation and transition back to active duty or civilian life.
The book signing is open to the public and includes free refreshments and a drawing for a gift basket.

Books can be ordered in advance and mailed or picked up at a later date.
For more information, contact Omega Book Center, 100 N. Peachtree Parkway, Peachtree City, at 770-487-3977.