PTC police lauded with U.S. traffic safety award


The Peachtree City Police Dept. has been awarded top honors for traffic safety in the 2012 National Law Enforcement Challenge.

A program of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), the department was the first-place recipient in the 2012 National Law Enforcement Challenge that recognizes excellence in traffic safety programs, said department spokesman Mark Brown.

“The Peachtree City Police Dept. was judged against other agencies of similar size from across the United States in the determination of this award,” said Brown. “Ratings are based on the agency’s overall approach to traffic safety, including categories such as policy development, officer training, awards, public information and education, enforcement and effectiveness of efforts.”

Brown said the IACP also awarded the department first-place in the Occupant Protection Award category.

“This special category award is judged against agencies of all sizes from around the country and only one agency receives the award each year,” said Brown. “This award is judged based upon the agency’s efforts to promote and enforce occupant protection laws.”

The National Law Enforcement Challenge is a national traffic safety awards program that recognizes excellent law enforcement traffic safety programs. The program provides law enforcement agencies with an opportunity to make a difference in the communities they serve and allows agencies to learn from one another and establish future goals in traffic safety enforcement and education.